year went by, then two, and then three, and the king never paid him back. He
felt that it was the time for him to see the king and got his money back. So he
took a bag for the money, and started to go to the castle.
In his journey to the castle, he quackling and saying that
he wanted his money back. Before long, he met ladder, river, and beehive. They
were wondering where quackling wanted to go to that time. They wondered if they
could accompany him to the castle. Then Quackling “One can never have too many
friends” and he asked him into his bag.
Soon after, Quackling arrived at the king’s castle. He
protested right up to the guards and told them that came for his money. The
guards went inside and told the king.
The king thought that he could easily make Quackling gave
up. The king ordered the guards to put the Quackling in the pit so they put
Quackling in the pit and left him there. Quackling cried for help. He then
remember ladder. So he called out ladder to help him. Quick as a blink, ladder
was put of the bag. Ladder leaned the king against the side of the pit, and
climbed out. Then Quackling stood there, calling the king.
The king did not give up so easily also. He then ordered the
guards to put Quackling in the pot and set it on the fire. “Help!” cried
Quackling. “I am in a atew!” then he remembered River. Sp he called out River.
Quack as a wink, river came out of the bag. River put out the fire and flowed
away. Then Quackling got out and continued calling for the king.
Then the kings asked guards to bring Quackling to him. So
they brought Quackling to the king. The king grabbed him. Quackling cried for
help. Quick as you can think, beehive was out of the bag. The bees rushed from
the hive and started to sting the king. He fled from the castle, and the bees
“Hooray!” cried the people of the castle, and the prime minister
said, “We never liked the king anyway.” So they put Quackling on the throne and
gave him a crown. “Will you be our king?” said the guards. “Why not?” said
Quackling. “One can never have too many friends.”
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